
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Lavender and Chamomile - My Miracle Remedy

I know it's been a minute since my last post ..................... a  long while. Well let's say a lot has happened in the past couple of months........ My son is now the BIG "2" (terrific two, I refuse to adhere to the "terrible two" term) and now we have another one on the way. Let's say it has not been an easy adjustment. Trying to cater to a two year old and nurturing a growing pregnancy. I know it's by God's grace. With having a toddler, one would think well it gets easier and better; I guess it should but for me it's been a ride. I am still working hard to put him on a schedule and get a routine going for him (I know.. I know.... that should have been established a while back). I am working on it and I think I'm almost there. The one battle I have had has been putting him on a sleep schedule. My son is not a great sleeper. All he needs is couple of hours and then he is energized like a bunny all over again. My husband's diagnosis is due partly to my genetic make-up (his claims are based on my family not being great sleepers run in my family; we can take a nap and get going for hours) but for a two year old, this has been of great concern to me because getting enough sleep is essential for the growing process and also most likely will calm some of the tantrums I experience due to not getting enough rest. So after much research and googling (if that's a word), I decided to opt for a more natural way to routinely get him to sleep.

First off, I start with a nice lavender bath (The Body Shop Divine Calm Relaxing Body wash), then I follow up with a gentle massage with a Lavender body oil  bought from Whole Foods (will provide the name later), then I follow up with a nice Chamomile tea (Organic Chamomile from Trader Joes) mixed into his nightly milk or hot chocolate and Voila!!! These ingredients provide a calming event and he is out for the night. I tried this routine remedy last night and he was out for a good 10 hours and now tonight, he is out again. Fingers crossed.... I am still experimenting for a week on this remedy and hoping I have found my miracle remedy. Don't get me wrong, the lavender bath wash and oil can be for as long as possible but I don't intend on doing the Chamomile for long just enough to get him in a good sleep schedule.

Please do more research before you try this process especially the Chamomile. Not sure of it's use on babies, but kids with sensitivity to ragweed might develop a rash after drinking Chamomile. If you notice a rash, stop giving the tea.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Stumbles towards Purpose

 I know its been a minute......... maybe some months since I last blogged. Let's say Life Happens. In my last article, I talked about setting goals and working towards them. That's exactly what I have been working on and I can say I am very proud of myself because I see many of the goals coming forth to fruition. Lately, I have been getting a lot of emails from some of my readers asking why they can't seem to be moving forward in their plans and why they are stuck in a rut. I believe first and foremost, we as individuals have to understand what our purpose in life is and when there is a realization of that; then comes appropriate goal setting to achieving our goals.  After responding to several of the emails, I figured why not post an article that I read from an author and life coach titled "Why You May Be Struggling."  This article I believe will creating an understanding as to if i am on the right track in life.

(Reblogging from

When you take a fish out of the water and place it on the ground, notice how the fish will keep flip-flopping, trying to move. It would take the fish a very difficult time and struggle to move within the space because it is not designed to move on the ground but in the water.
Take that same fish that has been struggling to move on the ground and put it back in the water, it will surprise you how it can, with speed, great skill, agility and very high performance, cut through the water, moving freely in it. The difference is that the fish, when put in the water, is in its natural terrain and destined path. Its purpose is to move in the water and operate within it, and it has been equipped or designed to do that with much ease. But on the ground, it will be a life of struggles.
While the fish stays out of the water, no matter how much it prays for easy movement and to succeed on the ground, it will never happen because it is living in violation of its purpose and destiny.  At most, the fish will only get little grace from its Maker through showers of rain that dry up while the fish is still on the ground, until the fish understands it will only be successful in the element it was designed for.
Many are living in violation of their purpose and expect God to do great mighty things in their lives when they make request for progress. Just as the fish will only be helped by grace through its Maker, people asking for God’s help to make progress while in violation of purpose or destiny will only get little, little help by God’s grace until they come into their purpose and destiny.
Most people struggle in life because they are not on their track or have derailed from their destiny. Many have stepped out of their purpose for being on earth.  You could call it stepping out of destiny. Your talents, gifts, potentials, and abilities are all you came with to fulfill purpose on earth.  Once you neglect them and do something else, it may mean signing up for struggles.
You just have to make a conscious determined effort to live a purpose driven life!
Do you know your Life’s Purpose?
Are you sure what you are doing now or the kind of job you do is within your life’s purpose? 
(Emmanuel Obu)
(for more life changing information, visit